To speak about safe packaging, you need to know the appropriate vocabulary.
Green packaging - the paper, box, etc that something is inside so that it can be sold or sent somewhere but eco-friendly;
Dispose of - to get rid of something, especially by throwing it away;
Carton - a container for food and drink that is made from strong, stiff paper or plastic;
Wrapper - a piece of paper or plastic that covers something that you buy, especially food;
Waste disposal - an electrical machine, connected to a kitchen sink, that cuts up food waste so that it will flow easily through the pipes;
Environmentally-friendly - not damaging the environment;
Recyclable - able to be recycled;
Biodegradable - when substances decay naturally without damaging the environment;
Decompose - decay and gradually destroy;
Landfill site - a place where waste material is buried under the earth;
Effluent - liquid waste that is sent out from factories or places where sewage is dealt with, usually flowing into rivers, lakes, or the sea;
Disaster - something that causes a lot of harm or damage.
Glass is recyclable.
90 percent of American rubbish is dumped in landfill sites.
Effluents from local factories are finding their way into the river.