Read the articles and match with the correct invertebrate.
(Прочитай тексти і встановb відповідність між ними та правильним безхребетним, про якого йдеться в тексті!)
1. And they’re also known for spreading some of the world’s worst diseases, including malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, and dengue.
2. Wherever there is dung, there are most likely __ .They belong to three basic groups: rollers, tunnelers, and dwellers. Those words describe how these beetles use the dung they find.
3. Millions of them become rivers of red as they move from Christmas Island's interior rainforests to the ocean to breed and lay eggs.
4. A tree stands in a forest under a cloudy sky. Suddenly it appears as if a twig is crawling down the trunk. The object isn’t actually a twig that’s sprung legs – it’s a ___.
5. They are poisonous spiders – animals that have a skeleton outside their body, a segmented body, and eight jointed legs. They are not insects.
Варіанти відповідей:
Giant squid
Dung beetle
Black widow
Stick insect
Christmas Island red crab
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